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What Your Brew Says about you

Whether you’re a milky with two sugars kind of man, or a green tea girl, the way you take your tea says more than you think.

English Breakfast black – No muss, no fuss, that’s your motto. You like your tea strong, and you want to savour the flavour, approaching the rest of your life with that same intensity.

English breakfast with milk – You live for those quiet moments when you get to sit back and put your feet up. It’s not about those big goals, but the small moments that make every day special.

Earl Grey – Ahh the zing of bergamot! Doesn’t it just lift your spirits? Not that you need yours lifted very much, you’re just naturally a positive sunshiny person.

Green – There is a subtlety about you and a refinement. You enjoy taking time out just to reflect on the world and enjoy peace and quiet.  

Jasmine Pearls– You may be sat at your desk at work right now but in your mind your enjoying your next big adventure. You love things that are exotic and surround yourself with sights and smells which carry you away somewhere wonderful.

Rooibos – You have zest and are full of enthusiasm. Your friends wonder how on earth you keep such good health, the answer? Moderation. Of course you love the odd treat, but you never overdo it.

Matcha – You love to look and feel your best, and are always on the lookout for superfoods and new workout styles that will boost your energy.

Masala Chai – Your friends come to you when they are in need of a big hug. You are warm and comforting and love the odd indulgence.

Peppermint – You are a breath of fresh air and nothing keeps you down. You believe that there is nothing a cuppa and a chat can’t solve, and you are probably right.

Sweetened – You approach every day with a light-hearted joy. You are kind and  considerate and brighten up the lives of everyone around you with your good natured optimism.

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