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Help celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight is a holiday based in the United Kingdom that aims to bring awareness to the food situation globally...

Fairtrade Fortnight was launched in 1997 at the Augustine United Church on the George IV Bridge by Lady Marion Fraser, chairman of Christian Aid.

Since then, it has been a highly successful campaign, annually hosted by the Fairtrade organisation.

Fairtrade, as a charity organisation, encourages people to donate on this day and help raise awareness of the injustices of the trade system. 

Here’s how you can help….

* Celebrate this charitable holiday by signing a petition to reduce the amount of poverty present in the countries that developed one’s trade with

* Purchase ethically produced foods from your local supermarkets that are recognised with the Fairtrade symbol on it

* Host a fundraiser at your local community center in hopes of donations.



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