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Writing magazine subscription

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Whether you’re searching for your first publishing opportunity or your third book deal, this magazine’s combination of technical advice and inspiring stories is the perfect way to push through that writer's block.

With a subscription to Writing magazine, every month you will enjoy helpful advice for both fiction and non-fiction authors on navigating the murky worlds of agents and publishers to getting your book onto shelves. You can enter monthly writing competitions to win cash prizes and competitions, plus get all the latest industry news and paid opportunities.

From the publisher

Writing Magazine is essential reading for any aspiring or published writer. Every month, our knowledgeable, expert writers provide pages of practical how-to advice, hints and tips, author interviews, information on what editors and publishers are looking for, writing competitions, and inspirational ideas - everything you could need to make the most of your writing potential. Plus, every month in our Writers' News section we feature articles on magazine and book publishers looking for manuscripts, competition announcements and news from the publishing world, including 100s of leads to sell your work...everything you need to know to be a successful writer.

by Carol
I just want to say a huge thank you to Writing Magazine as the news section, Writers' News has been the source of nearly all my publication successes over 20 years of subscribing. The magazine has been instrumental in pointing me in the right direction so thank you!
by anonymous
I find Writers News very useful. I am an amateur freelance writer and it gives me ideas and information on how to present my work and where to go to get it published. I realy enjoy reading it every month.

Weeks delivery

All prices for magazine subscriptions listed on isubscribe include delivery.

Please allow up to 4-6 weeks for your first delivery. Your subscription will begin with the next available issue and in most cases your magazine will be in your hands before it goes on sale in the shops!

Writing magazine is published by Warners Group Publications, who handle delivery and stipulate the lead time shown above. Explore more titles from this publisher here.

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