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The Automobile magazine subscription

The Automobile magazine cover

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If you're as interested in the history of classic cars as you are in the cars themselves, this magazine could be your perfect monthly fix.

A subscription to The Automobile magazine offers readers regular, in-depth features on the origins of the cars they care about, along with buying advice and previews of vehicle auctions and reviews of sporting events like the London to Brighton Run.

One of the most popular features in this classic car magazine is the 'Finds and Discoveries' column, which every month tells a true story of salvaging a vintage motor from an unusual location, with barns and hedgerows turning out to be the hiding places for buried motoring treasures.

From the publisher

Subscribe to The Automobile and receive the UK’s leading magazine for the veteran, vintage and classic car scene.
The Automobile is delivered to your door every month and is jam packed with the latest news and reviews from the car world.
A subscription to Automobile magazine will provide you with an all there is to know guide from the vintage and classic car scene. If you are passionate about classic cars then this is the magazine subscription for you.
A regular feature of The Automobile magazine is a feature on all the up and coming events for you to attend and will give you a chance to meet other fellow classic car enthusiasts.
Subscribe to The Automobile magazine today and receive your indispensable guide to classic and vintage cars.

by Michele
Bonjour, Je suis enchantée , j ai 2 abonnements chez vous, sur les voitures anciennes, nous ne les trouvons pas en France. Je les reçois toujours ponctuellement.Je suis prét a faire un nouvel abonnement que je n'arrive toujours pas a avoir en France. Merci pour vos services. Cordialement.

Weeks delivery

All prices for magazine subscriptions listed on isubscribe include delivery.

Please allow up to 4-6 weeks for your first delivery. Your subscription will begin with the next available issue and in most cases your magazine will be in your hands before it goes on sale in the shops!

The Automobile is published by Enthusiast Publishing, who handle delivery and stipulate the lead time shown above.

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