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Find out about incredible music from all over the world with a subscription to Songlines magazine. With features on music of every imaginable genre, this is the best way to expand your horizons and learn about musical cultures in different countries. There's even a CD included with each issue, letting you hear first hand some of the beautiful tracks being produced by foreign artists. You'll read reviews of new releases and interviews with musicians, as well as getting informative guides to unfamiliar genres, listings of concerts and festivals, and ideas for music-filled holidays in exotic locations.

From the publisher

Keep up to date with all your music news and latest songs from around the globe with a subscription to Songlines - the world music magazine. Songlines magazine covers the world's most exciting music from traditional and popular to contemporary and fusion, featuring artists from all around the globe, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, from Miriam Makeba to Mariza, from Gilberto Gil to Gogol Bordello.

Songlines is packed full of the latest CD reviews, artist interviews, guides to particular world music traditions, concert-listings, travel stories. Every issue comes with an exclusive compilation CD featuring tracks from the very best world music releases as well as a celebrity playlist.Subscribers will also receive access to 7,500+ expert reviews of past and present releases in our online Reviews Database, unlimited access to the Songlines website, including full articles from our latest issues, and our weekly email newsletter, including our Folk, Africa and Roots focuses.

Great reasons to subscribe to Songlines magazine:

• Never miss an issue.

• Free delivery to your door.

• Save off the cover price.

by Brigid
I have subscribed to Songlines for several years and can highly recommend it to all those who are interested in quality music from around the world including the rest of Europe. The reviews of the latest CDs are interesting and fair. The culture of the various regions and countries are featured, along with personal stories about the musicians, the instrumentse challenges that poor countries face at times
by Brigid
I have subscribed to Songlines for several years and can highly recommend it to all those who are interested in quality music from around the world including the rest of Europe. The reviews of the latest CDs are interesting and fair. The culture of the various regions and countries are featured, along with personal stories about the musicians, the instrumentse challenges that poor countries face at times
by Brigid
I have subscribed to Songlines for several years and can highly recommend it to all those who are interested in quality music from around the world including the rest of Europe. The reviews of the latest CDs are interesting and fair. The culture of the various regions and countries are featured, along with personal stories about the musicians, the instrumentse challenges that poor countries face at times

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Please allow up to 4-6 weeks for your first delivery. Your subscription will begin with the next available issue and in most cases your magazine will be in your hands before it goes on sale in the shops!

Songlines is published by Mark Allen Business and Leisure, who handle delivery and stipulate the lead time shown above. Explore more titles from this publisher here.

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