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From the publisher

A subscription to Race Engine Technology magazine brings you in depth research insights probing significant contemporary race engine projects.Race Engine Technology includes comprehensive coverage of all new developments along with revealing interviews with those central to the on-going evolution of technology. Race Engine Technology has established itself and continues to be, the communications hub of the global racing engine industry.This magazine is published by High Power Media Ltd and reaches your door eight times a year.Race Engine Technology Magazine contains authoritative and independent analysis on all the developments and issues prevailing in the race engine industry.Subscribe to Race Engine technology magazine today and keep up to date with this ever evolving industry.

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Please allow up to 6-8 weeks for your first delivery. Your subscription will begin with the next available issue and in most cases your magazine will be in your hands before it goes on sale in the shops!

Race Engine Technology is published by High Power Media Ltd, who handle delivery and stipulate the lead time shown above. Explore more titles from this publisher here.

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