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Do you want to know what makes financial markets tick? Do you want to feel confident that you are saving enough for a comfortable retirement? Do you want to know why the UK housing market is so ridiculously expensive, or how and why a crisis like 2008 happened and could easily happen again? Do you want to understand what's going on in the world of money, and more importantly, how you can profit from it?
If so, then you need to read MoneyWeek magazine. Every week you'll get a comprehensive view of what's going on in the markets, our take on the biggest stories in politics and economics, and expert ideas on the hottest sectors and companies to invest in. There's also plenty of practical information on how to improve your own finances - from how to avoid getting ripped off by banks and financial services companies, to how to find the best home for your savings and the best rates on your mortgage.
We aim to be accessible without dumbing down. We'll cut through the financial and economic jargon and tell you everything you need to know in clear, accessible language - and we won't pull any punches in doing so.
There's a reason that we're Britain's best-selling financial magazine: this is the sort of information that everyone - from investment novices to experienced traders - can benefit from.
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