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Model Engineer & Workshop magazine subscription

Model Engineer & Workshop magazine cover

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From the publisher

Model Engineer & Workshop reunites Model Engineer magazine, with over 125 years heritage of covering the creative mechanical hobby that shares its name and Model Engineers’ Workshop which covers all aspects of machining, tools and techniques. Every issue is packed with practical workshop advice, beginners guides and advanced techniques, tool and model designs, techniques for making, finishing and running models.

by Bevin
It is the best presented model engineering magazine, with good layout and with every photo and figure captioned and the number highlighted in the text. I think the English in some of the articles could be edited more more, as some of them are too wordy. But I guess you don't want to discourage contributors. I would like to see an on-line capability to search for magazine content and topics. I would also like to see that the each article has a small introduction/summary at the start explaining the content/purpose, particularly for subsequent parts of articles. I suggest a boxed window and preferably written by the editor. The one sentence provided presently is OK but a few sentences would be better. Keep up the enthusiasm that shows in the magazine. It is good.
by Ted
Generally very good, but tends to be too up-market, and high-brow, ie volume of cad-cam articles. More to help those with less time and less ability please.
by Lawrie
A really excellent magazine. Articles from a very diverse group of people. Something for every level of proficiency
by Alan
too many articles which are reprints from existing books
by taylor
trying to find distributer of model engineer workshop

Weeks delivery

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Please allow up to 4-6 weeks for your first delivery. Your subscription will begin with the next available issue and in most cases your magazine will be in your hands before it goes on sale in the shops!

Model Engineer & Workshop is published by Mortons Media Group Ltd., who handle delivery and stipulate the lead time shown above. Explore more titles from this publisher here.

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