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Good Housekeeping magazine subscription

Good Housekeeping magazine cover

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Free Midweek Lifesavers Cookbook

Free Midweek Lifesavers Cookbook

Subscribe to Good Housekeeping for 12 months and receive a Midweek Lifesavers Cookbook, worth £25.

Free Midweek Lifesavers Cookbook

Free Midweek Lifesavers Cookbook

Subscribe to Good Housekeeping for 12 months and receive a Midweek Lifesavers Cookbook, worth £25.


Gift with annual print & digital subscriptions only (payable by direct debit or one off payment). Available while stocks last. Gift is sent to the UK billing address.

From the publisher

Good Housekeeping comes packed with dozens of delicious triple-tested recipes, beauty and style tips for every age, smart money saving strategies, home ideas and interviews with the women who inspire you. Subscribe now and find out why Good Housekeeping is Britain’s best-selling women’s magazine.

Includes delivery of the print edition and access to the digital edition each month at no extra cost via the Good Housekeeping app.

Good Housekeeping is the UK’s best-selling women’s magazine and has celebrated 100 years of triple-tested recipes, gorgeous style advice, beauty tips, home inspiration and much more.

Every issue comes with consumer testing reports to show you which products are worth buying, beautiful interior design spreads to inspire your renovation efforts and riveting stories from award-winning writers.
Join over 1 million readers and be inspired by every issue of Good Housekeeping.

Plus subscribe to Good Housekeeping’s Classic Membership (Print & Digital subscription) and receive some pretty incredible benefits and rewards in the new and improved Good Housekeeping app - including discounts and savings on leading brands and access to exciting competitions.

PLEASE NOTE that your subscription copies may not include all the promotional items packaged with the magazine when bought at retail outlets.
The cover price quoted above includes both print & digital price per issue.

by Jane
Great magazine. Always manages to keep its very varied content up to the minute. Full of interesting features, covering all aspects of life.
by David
This magazine subscription was a wonderful surprise gift from my husband. And I love it. It is so very special to receive a magazine every month, especially as we live in a country where the first language is not English. Fantastic! It is like going home every month! I cannot praise it enough.
by Lesley
Excellent magazine covers all the topics I'm interested in. Suitable for the more mature woman as well as my daughter who loves to read it when she visits home from London
by claire
I have brought this as a subscription for my mums mothers day present and she loves it
I am 44 years old and started to feel that the younger magazines I was reading were not really satisfying my needs. I came across Good Housekeeping at work and so glad I did! It is full of inspiring womens fashion for my age but not frumpy, household tips and cooking and basically had the content that I am interested in. I thought maybe it was too old for me but I was pleasantly surprised and would recommend it to modern 40somethings!
by Naomi
I bought this as a gift for a friend and she has been delighted. There is always plenty to either flick through or really read. From human interest to recipes - a good mix.
by Elizabeth
I am living in France and have the subscription sent here which is a real lifeline. I love Good Housekeeping as it covers so many topics, many of which I can relate to. It is also informative and I always learn so much from every issue. And if I am feeling down all I have to do is read Sandi Toksvig's column and I am smiling.
by laura
A great magazine, with top tips on fashion, home, great recipes. I look forward to receiving my copy each month!
by Steve
A great magazine, at a great price from isubscribe. Brought as a gift and received with appreciation.
by anonymous
I've been getting Good Housekeeping for many years. It gives me a feeling of security - I used to read my mother's copy 60 years ago - Semolina Silkpaws, and Wolf Mankiewitz! I just wish it featured more realistically priced clothes for the majority of people, who are on low to middle incomes, shop in ordinary high street shops, and can't afford designer labels.
by Donna
I bought this as a gift for my 87 year old grandmother and she really likes it, perhaps not the type of magazine she'd buy herself but as she says, there are always some really interesting features.
by Shaya
Nice big glossy mag to browse throughvery well set out with a good variety of features and regular items, I am currently subscribing to this and look forward to receiving it every month. Recommended
by anonymous
I look forward to my Good Housekeeping issue each month. It covers a variety of issues - financial, health, food and much more. Then I pass it on to my mum who is also now an avid fan of the magazine. I will be subscribing for many more years to come.
by Rob
I subscribed to Good Housekeeping as a birthday present for my wife. She loves it and it keeps her quiet for hours every month......
by Lorraine
Look forward to receiving the magazine every month. Great recipes and helpful articles and ideas. Long may it continue.
by anonymous
Good variety of topics covered. Like the coverage Health issues and reviews of products, though I wish they would focus less on higher priced items and more mid to low end products. Love the cooking section. Some good menus, with clear details of prep time etc and caalories per serving. I have been taking this magazine for at least 10 years.
by Maggie
As a long-time ex-pat now living in the south of France, when I get my copy of Good Housekeeping in the post it is always an extra pleasure for the day, to add to the sun and the bright blue sky. I have alwaus enjoyed receiving it over nearly fifty years (whatever the climate wherever I might be)
by Carol
The magazine is colourful, informative, trendy and covers a variety of very useful topics. I look forward to mine arriving each month.
by valerie
great and reliable magazine. gives excellent reviews on consumer goods,good recipes and fashion features.

Weeks delivery

All prices for magazine subscriptions listed on isubscribe include delivery.

Please allow up to 4-6 weeks for your first delivery. Your subscription will begin with the next available issue and in most cases your magazine will be in your hands before it goes on sale in the shops!

Good Housekeeping is published by Hearst Magazines, who handle delivery and stipulate the lead time shown above. Explore more titles from this publisher here.


Gift with annual print & digital subscriptions only (payable by direct debit or one off payment). Available while stocks last. Gift is sent to the UK billing address.

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