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Fly Fishing & Fly Tying magazine cover

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This is the ideal fishing magazine for anyone who wants to make sure they get insightful, practical advice from the experts on a regular basis. A Fly Fishing and Fly Tying subscription brings you monthly updates on innovative tips, tricks and little-known secrets that give you that all-important edge in the water. Focusing mainly on game fishing in freshwater and saltwater across the British Isles, this magazine also provides high-quality coverage from exotic angling destinations, taking you wherever the action is according to the time of year. You'll also read regular news, comment and advice pieces, with interviews, reviews and great competitions in every issue.

From the publisher

A subscription to Fly Fishing and Fly Tying allows fly fishers to stay ahead of their game. Every month, the award-winning magazine features the most up-to-date tactics, techniques and fly patterns that today's anglers and fly tyers are using for trout, salmon, sea trout, grayling, coarse fish and saltwater species.

Tastefully and cleanly designed, Fly Fishing and Fly Tying takes the angler to wherever the action is - anywhere in the world. It also covers innovations, casting advice, interviews, conservation issues, travel features, humorous articles, news and comment from the most informed, qualified and authoritative writers in fly fishing.

Fly Fishing and Fly Tying focuses on the details which will help fly fishers catch more fish and therefore derive more enjoyment from their sport. It takes an in-depth look at the tactics used by successful anglers, and each month, features a stage-by-stage fly tying demonstration, coupled with instruction on how best to fish the fly. The magazine also features unique fly tying competitions which encourage reader participation.

Fly Fishing and Fly Tying is at the forefront of the latest tackle, materials and gear which comes onto the market, and it is recognised within the industry as offering fair, forthright and independent reviews.

Whether an angler fishes fly on rivers, streams, reservoirs, lakes, Irish loughs, Scottish loughs, or in the sea at him and abroad, a subscription to Fly Fishing and Fly Tying will equip him or her with all they require to enjoy their sport to the maximum.

by Paul
I am a flyfisherman who doesn't just go after Trout and I like the fact that this magazine covers all the other aspects of fly fishing.. The saltwater articles are brilliant and the fly tying articles are practical and I love the way the magazine has explanatory features on how best to use the fly. The problem is that there are lots of magazines that are just written for the Salmon, Trout and Grayling fisher and are poorly focused on todays use of flies to catch many species. Also there is this ongoing need to catch bigger and bigger fish, I have to ask why because large doesn't make the challenge any different. It is an ego related matter which detracts from the true sport of fishing. Or is that just me?
by Richard
Fly Fishing & Fly Tying is an excellent magazine for anyone insterested in trout and salmon fishing. The articles are well written and also cover unusual topics such as fly fishing for pike. It is the first time I have purchased the magazine and I am definately thinking of subscribing to make sure I don't miss an issue.

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Please allow up to 4-6 weeks for your first delivery. Your subscription will begin with the next available issue and in most cases your magazine will be in your hands before it goes on sale in the shops!

Fly Fishing & Fly Tying is published by Mortons Media Group Ltd., who handle delivery and stipulate the lead time shown above. Explore more titles from this publisher here.

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