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Film Stories Junior magazine subscription

Film Stories Junior magazine cover

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RRP £15.96
12 months/4 issues
Then £15.00 every 12 months
RRP £15.96
12 months/4 issues
Credit/Debit Card, PayPal, Gift Card
RRP £15.96
12 months/4 issues
Credit/Debit Card, PayPal, Gift Card

From the publisher

Introducing the world’s first print film magazine, that’s not just aimed at under 15s, but it’s mainly written by them too!

Film Stories Junior, then, will initially be published four times a year, will be A5, and 52 pages long. It’ll be available in print, and we’re looking into the best digital option too. The intention longer term is then to gradually scale it up, but as we’re an independent magazine publisher, we’re taking it a step at a step. Already, though, we’d been taken aback by the wonderful response to the project – and the brilliance of the young writers who put it together!

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Weeks delivery

All prices for magazine subscriptions listed on isubscribe include delivery.

Please allow up to 4-6 weeks for your first delivery. Your subscription will begin with the next available issue and in most cases your magazine will be in your hands before it goes on sale in the shops!

Film Stories Junior is published by Simon Brew Limited who handle delivery and stipulate the lead time shown above. To view other titles by this publisher click here

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